Project Erasmus+ KA2 DIGIPRAC

The “DIGIPRAC Ready for New Realities – The Digital Practice Enterprise” project (2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000033195) aims to transform current Practice Enterprise (PE) learning methods into a digital model and to add digital competences to the learning outcomes, competences and skills that are regularly trained in the standard Practice Enterprise model.


  • Re-evaluation of the current Practice Enterprise model and methodology. The project addresses the benefits and challenges of establishing a digital Practice Enterprise and solutions for developing an online environment while maintaining a sense of reality in the classroom.
  • To provide VET learners, teachers, schools and the community with a new, future-proof digital model of practice enterprise that shifts the standard model of practice enterprise from a mostly physical environment to a digital environment that allows for more flexibility when challenges such as pandemics arise, as well as to provide more flexibility within the standard model of practice enterprise and improve inclusion for people who are unable to attend educational institutions due to geography or physical issues.
  • To develop the entrepreneurial skills of VET learners through the creation of a virtual mistake-driven learning and internationalization at home environment to support a new, future-proof digital model of Practice Enterprise practices in school.
  • To enrich VET teachers’ pedagogical approaches to challenge-based learning and a new future-proof digital model of Practice Enterprise promotion in the classroom through the elaboration of a tool to support them in the application, adaptation and transferability of the project’s innovative web approach.

Results: The key result of DIGIPRAC is a future-proof digital model based on the network’s prevailing PE training programme.

  • Framework & Model for Digital Practice Enterprise DIGIPRAC. A methodological document to guide the development of further results.
  • DIGIPRAC Resource Guide. Focused on the development and creation of a digital resource guide to implement the DIGIPRAC Practice Enterprise Framework.
  • DIGIPRAC Internationalization at Home Toolkit. To help VET practice enterprises become more globally aligned and internationally connected. Digital PE integrates policies, programs, initiatives, and a variety of distance learning approaches to equip PE learners with the skills to work in an international environment and provides all learners with global perspectives within their learning program, whether or not they spend time abroad.
  • DIGIPRAC Collection for Mistake-Driven and Effective Relationships E-learning. Based on the practices of “learning from mistakes” in the method PE, taking the best elements of existing tools and methods to implement them in digital form PE, because trial and error, also known as experimentation, is the foundation of all discovery and learning.

Members of the project: