LOGIPRO: Integrating Logistics Processes in Practice Enterprises
The LOGIPRO project aims to develop a work based learning programme that prepares European VET students for an advanced logistics education in higher education or for a job within a logistics company.
To increase inflow from experienced VET students into logistics HE programmes and companies, we want to implement the practice enterprise (PE) methodology in logistics educational programmes and set up pilots for logistics PEs in VET schools in the partner countries.
By using the PE methodology we are certain that this project can reduce the mismatch between the skills people are taught and the skills needed by the sector.

- Research on professional qualifications and attainable job targets. Our goal is to identify which logistics career goals are attainable after completing either an education in “International Trade and Logistics” in a secondary VET school (ISCED 3-4) or with a diploma in higher education in the logistics field (ISCED 5-6).
- Definition of skills required by higher education and the labour market. By comparing educational and professional qualifications frameworks for these specific logistics profiles in different countries and by comparing the key competencies and skills from these qualifications to the real needs of the national labour markets, we will create a list of skills that should definitely be taught within the logistics PE. This will be done through consultation with HE professionals, real companies in the logistics sector and a thorough job vacancy analysis.
- Creation of a model Practice Enterprise for logistics + integration of software & tools . The consortium will set-up a common curriculum using the PE methodology for logistics profiles in VET in the different countries and will create a future proof model for logistics PEs. Relevant logistics software and tools will be integrated in this model.
- Set-up of pilot Practice Enterprises . Once the model is defined, we will set-up pilot PEs in VET schools offering logistics training programmes in the different countries, paying attention to the technical and transversal skills required by the labour market. They will have solid partnerships with commercial PEs (purchases and sales) within the global PE network, but we will also create partnerships between the different logistics on a national and international level.
- Training in for teachers. Our final goal is to create a train the trainer and accompanying manual to make sure the teacher masters this new methodology, taking into account the management of the PE, the evaluation of students and the necessary adjustments in the learning path of each individual.
Coordinator: CONNECTIEF – COFEP Belgium
For further information click here.